Economic crimes can occur in any company: Corruption, bribery or fraud lead to financial loss and damage to reputation. 

Our experts have extensive experience from activities for the judicial authorities and will support you discreetly in the fight against white-collar crime. If an internal suspected case occurs, we conduct independent in-house investigations using reliable methods and extensive know-how of fraud patterns. In this way, you will quickly gain an overview, can more easily determine responsibilities and assess damages more accurately.

Together with you, we develop individual strategic solutions and options for action from the identification of the perpetrator to asset recovery. In the event of a dispute in or out of court, you will have conclusive documentation based on the results of our investigations. If required, the findings can also be prepared as an expert opinion by a sworn and court-certified expert.

Based on the findings of the forensic investigation, our experts will also be happy to carry out a risk analysis in the course of which your company's processes and compliance structures will be adapted. Early warning indicators will enable you to detect irregularities quickly in the future and the fraud risks in your company can be minimized significantly.

You can trust in our services:

In cooperation with the legal representation of your company and internal departments involved, we analyze the suspected situation and show the available options in the fight against economic crime.
We outline a suitable initial procedure to avoid the risk of collusion and define targets to minimize the damage. A central point is an involvement at the earliest possible time.

The operative examination and the subsequent analysis include:

  • Tactical situation analysis and execution as well as coordination of appropriate measures in the area of preservation of evidence and fact-finding, e.g. through forensic questioning
  • IT-supported backup, recovery and analysis of evidence such as data, websites and other media content, eDiscovery
  • Sifting of physical document stocks or digitalization for IT-supported evaluation
  • Forensic data evaluation and documentation in the form of a written report including preparation for use in court
  • Expert opinions on the relevant facts, for example, to determine the value of fictitious invoices


The occurrence of white-collar crime usually represents a crisis situation for the company concerned, which requires accompanying and follow-up measures. We offer you:

  • Evaluation of the situation and implementation of measures for acute damage minimization
  • Development of tailor-made strategic solutions and support in setting up prevention systems and implementing compliance management systems
  • Increased security through the optimization of existing compliance systems, if necessary dismantling of overflowing compliance structures.
  • A worldwide network that can support you in the cross-border recovery of assets if required.


One of our specialties: consulting fraud

Practical experience shows that financial transactions in the area of white-collar crime often take place by way of sham consultancy services. Settlements and falsified reports provide the ideal basis for unobtrusively obtaining payment approvals. This is also the way to establish tax deductibility - which serves to avoid taxes if irregular or illegal financing is to be carried out.

When internal auditors come across conspicuous projects, the usual audit paths end quickly - especially when fictitious documents are available. To this day, consulting services are considered by a large number of decision-makers in business and the judiciary to be un or hardly assessable - especially when the parties involved refuse to provide information or even claim successful service provision in coordination. Classification from a criminal law perspective is particularly difficult - if the question of the distinction between "non-value" and "inferiority" has to be asked.

It is precisely for this reason that solid preparation is necessary if employment relationships are to be terminated and further action - in or out of court - is planned.

This is where our experts come into play: in many cases, our specialists can provide evidence of sham consulting projects by means of cross-comparisons, practices, project histories and the (non-)identification of performance artifacts.

Checking the integrity of business partners

New international laws mean that companies are also liable for the actions of their business partners. Background checks or business partner screenings are therefore recommended before transactions or cooperations. In addition, comprehensive background research is a valuable part of any internal investigation.

We use Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as a strategic basis for background research for specific occasions. This involves searching legal, freely available public sources for specific information. The results are structured, evaluated and checked for their relevance. Depending on the occasion, the information is further used in a forensic investigation - or as a pure report.

Preparation for legal proceedings

Business disputes can cost a company dearly and have a negative impact on its reputation.

Our experienced experts prepare you optimally for upcoming court proceedings with IT-supported analyses and prepare facts for legal disputes in civil proceedings, criminal cases or tax matters in an economically competent and expert manner.

We support our clients in the operative processing of the facts of the case as well as by providing private expert opinions, which are issued by comprehensively experienced sworn and judicially certified experts.

Our experts have expert certifications in numerous fields. You can find further information >> here.